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Augmented Reality Spine Surgery

Augmented Reality Spine Surgery

CarePoint Neurosurgery and Spine now offers augmented reality (AR) surgical guidance with Augmedics’ xvision Spine System. 

Dr. Kimball and his assistant Shawn McGee performed the 1st AR surgery at Sky Ridge Hospital in Colorado at the beginning of February. 

Augmented Reality Guided Spine Surgery

To provide a new standard of care for spinal implant procedures, we offer groundbreaking augmented reality (AR) guided spine surgery at our Sky Ridge location. Performed using the Augmedics xvision Spine System, AR guided spine surgery allows surgeons to “see” your spine in 3D through the skin during minimally invasive spinal implant surgery, giving them better control and visualization, which may lead to easier, faster and safer surgeries.

Why AR guided spine surgery?

Similar to a real-time GPS, this “see-through” surgery lets your surgeon know exactly where to place the implants in your unique anatomy, and it is bringing a new standard of personalization and care to the operating room. The xvision Spine System is different from other image guidance systems as it keeps your surgeon’s focus directly on you, rather than a remote screen that displays your anatomy.

What this approach means to you

  • Personalized procedures
  • Accurate spinal implant placement, which could lead to fewer revision procedures1
  • Fast and safe procedures
  • Less radiation for the physician during the procedure
The xvision Spine System gives your surgeon “X-ray” vision to perform “see-through” surgery. This enables accurate and personalized implant placement and a potentially faster and safer surgery.

To learn more about AR guided spine surgery ask our surgeons if see-through surgery with the xvision Spine System is right for you.

CarePoint Neurosurgery and Spine

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